Saturday, March 3

I'm alive!

I'm here. There was a change in plans and I am still visiting family. The husband ha some business to attend to and so off he drove to California where he gets to frolick in the sun with a stupid friend. Yes. I am slightly jealous at all he ahs told me today.

That said, there has been NO knitting going on. Attaching hair to the doll head has driven me up the wall. In an attempt to make the hair look fuller I chose two colors of brown (brown was requested) and knotted the ends together and just started pulling them on through. Good god it's never ending! I'm debating whether I should take some out...the plus side is the knotted end on the inside of the head allows for some extra stuffing which will make the head more stable. However, the doll is not large by any means. There is way too much hair here to be poportinate. I've put her head away and have banished her and her clothes and her body bits from my mind. I've done so well I haven't worked on it for about...oh...ummm.....two weeks maybe? I know.

I did get some cotton from a little store here in town. I have been itching to do some leafy type washrags and finally can. Has it been touched? Nope. I am suffering from a severe case of knitting blahs. No motivation. No desire. Not even a hint of a thought of knitting. I have thought about it the last couple much so that I hand wound a ball of yarn last night before bed. It was spurred by the fact that my knitty socks are on their way!!! Yay!!!! I cannot wait to get them and slip them onto my feet. Ahh the joy it will bring to me. :) Maybe it will inspire me. I am feeling the itch to get something going..not sure how long it will last. I have anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour and 15 minutes to do something. After that it's off to dinner with the in laws. Maybe I'll cancel!

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