Saturday, May 19

Some yarn

2 ply
Spun on a drop spindle
Roving was part of a kit (as was the spindle...not my standard Schacht) bought from here!

Overall, not sure I like it. There was a bit of a mess in the middle which resulted in some hacking. The ball, therefore, is much smaller. Not as in love with it after that happened as I was before hand. I also have quite a bit left over from one single. Not sure how that happened since they were thesame amounts of roving. I'm thinking I spun thinner on one and therefore made it longer. Who knows?! Thinking about the entire process of it just makes me mad. It did not go as smoothly as it should have. I have had nothing but issues with this set since the beginning. The purple was wiry hairy as I spun it, the blue (or the greenish looking one in the link was blue with green undertones) dyed my hands and made them itch. The white was gifted to a Waldofer with the intent of being something doll related. I have been avoiding this last ball for sometime because of those first two I worked up. I should have kept it in the closet. There are so many new spinners on Mothering lately though that I felt inspired and was itchin' to get some spinning done (and you was another way to avoid some other projects that needed done). I should have spun my merino instead.

If I canmanage to get over the desire to toss the ball in the washer on hot I think this will become a hat for the new babe. Maybe....if I have enough. I hacked out quite a bit.

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